The JASMS High School program was started in 2004, as an experimental alternative to the Philippine Women's University's own High School department known as the Junior-Middle Division (JMD). Previous to this, a co-educational high school branch of the Philippine Women's University (PWU) had existed in Quezon City, on the former Highway #54. The introduction of this new high school division near the campus of PWU served to extend the already existing JASMS elementary school.It started with 8 boys, then in mid-year, a girl (a student from Bangladesh) was added to the group for a total of 9.
The JASMS High School had a successful first year.
As of late, the 2006-2007 school year is still in full throttle. The former Sophomore band (now the Junior year band) has thoughts of continuing its music through this school year. The High School students have been participating in in-campus as well as well outside and have won praises and awards for their participation.
Two years after JASMS HS was established, thoughts were set on a Third Year class. 16 new students were added into the new Junior batch, consisting of 6 new boys and 10 girl. This would be a good addition for this group, as the previous year's addition only consisted of 15 new students.