On January 4, 1993, the former Manila Stock Exchange started the computerization of its operations using the Stratus Trading System (STS) with a company called Equicom. Later that year, on June 15, the former Makati Stock Exchange adopted the MakTrade trading system. Both systems were linked on March 25, 1994 to produce a One Price-One Market exchange.
Two years later, on November 13, 1995, the implementation of the Unified Trading System (UTS) allowed the use of a single-order-book system on a MakTrade software where all the orders are posted and matched in one computer.
In 2005, the PSE adopted an online daily disclosure system (ODiSy) to improve the transparency of listed companies and ensure full, fair, timely and accurate disclosure of material information from all listed companies. The ODiSy provides 24/7 online system access for the submission of all types of disclosures.
As of 31 December 2009, the Philippine Stock Exchange had 248 listed companies with a total market capitalization of US$130 billion. There are 184 trading participants registered at the PSE, of which 132 are active.